TeamViewer 12.0.81460破解补丁 8.1新版

最佳远程控制软件TeamViewer更新至v12.0.81460,12.0专为Windows10系统打造,能够与Win10的特性完美契合,经优化后占用的带宽更低,图像渲染效率更高,文件传输速度提升15倍,数据使用率减小30%。TeamViewer – 远程支持、远程访问、在线协作和会议。TeamViewer是一个能在任何防火墙和NAT代{过}{滤}理的后台用于穿透内网远程控制软件,用于实现远程支持、远程访问、远程管理、家庭办公及在线协作和会议。155606qqy89qyyud895zqk
新版变化 2017-07-27 Version 12.0.81460
Now modernized user interface for File Transfer
Improved and simplified “Eco mode” workflow: Now it is possible to start the Host app and connect to the device with enabled “Eco mode” with only one step
Fixed a bug that caused connection tab labels to be displayed mirrored in operating systems with right-to-left language
Fixed a bug that caused connection tab labels to have a light blue background color in minor cases
Fixed a bug where it was not possible to select existing IDs in the Remote Control Partner ID field with arrow down key
Fixed a bug where it was not possible to make the correct language input in Remote control chat if the partnerside changed the language
Fixed a bug where an unmute microphone error message at the start of a remote control connection occurred
Fixed a bug where the Computer & Contact list was not disabled via Reg File
Fixed a bug where a personalized Host did not get a random password after a computer assigned policy was deployed
Fixed a bug where Computer & Contacts window was not displayed after system boot with TeamViewer autostart
Fixed a bug that prevented buttons in a video call from functioning correctly in operating systems with right-to-left language
Fixed a bug that sometimes caused crashes when closing a Custom QuickSupportv
Fixed a bug that sometimes caused a crash when starting TeamViewer
Fixed a bug that caused Custom Modules to not apply the correct font color in some cases
Fixed a bug that caused Custom Modules to not apply the correct font and background color to the disclaimer window
Minor improvements and fixes关于破解补丁免费、商业及企业团队许可证概述 TeamViewer_12.xx_Patch_v2_AoRE by The Hidden 2000
TeamViewer Patch 5.3 by DeltaFoX/TeamURET TeamViewer破解补丁一直由意大利大神 DeltaFoX 专注制作,可破解为商业版、付费版、企业版,自动进入对应许可证通道,无免费版任何功能限制!无首次退出软件后订阅弹窗,无怀疑商业用途提示弹窗!

by The Hidden 2000
1) 运行1=Stop service and program.bat
2) 下载Teamviewer安装版,安装方式选个人非商业用途,破解补丁放到安装目录2=TeamViewer 12.xx Patch v2 AoRE.exe运行点击“Patch”即可!
3) 运行3=start service and program.bat

by DeltaFoX/TeamURET
5)下载Teamviewer安装版,安装方式选个人非商业用途,绿色版直接打补丁,补丁记得取消选项“ALL Occurrences”钩子,否则打开会提示停止运行,选择Teamviewer文件夹,点击“Patch”应用即可!
Windows 下提示 *许可证已过期、怀疑为商业用途* 解决方法
1、根据 补丁使用方法中的步骤,完全卸载Teamviewer 及删除所有数据
2、使用MAC修改器 修改连接外网网卡的 MAC 地址(如使用无线上网,则改无线网卡的 MAC地址),重启电脑。(TMAC 修改神器见网盘内)
3、 重新安装 Teamviewer 即可自动更换 Teamviewer ID,就不会再提示许可证过期。
TeamViewer 12.0.81460 官方多语言安装版 + 12.x 通用破解补丁
TeamViewer 12/11/10/9 官方简体中文安装版+便携版+破解补丁
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